Thursday, June 26, 2008

To the BEACH!!!!

My favorite place to vacation is the beach. Ever since I was a little girl my mom and dad would take us to the Jersey shore on a summer vacation every single year. I loved the waves that crashed to shore, playing in the sand, walking the boards, and the excitement and fun that seemed to permeate the place. It was the highlight of my summer.

The beach is still one of my favorite places, but my tastes have changed a bit. I crave the peaceful quiet of the waves lapping to shore, the gentle breeze, the salt air and the sand between my toes. I want to go there just to soak in the peace like a sponge and then bring it home with me once again. That is truly why we decorate our homes with the beach cottage theme, isn't it? We want to drench our nests with the warm summer sun, the peaceful cool hues, the sweet scents of a far away place. We want to make our homes a true place to get away from it all.

This week our theme for Pink Friday is A Beach Cottage. Isn't it funny that the results of my poll earlier this week show that MOST of us pinkies want to spend our off-time by the sea?! How appropriate that we celebrate that this Friday. Please, please do not miss this wonderful day of special shopping. I am offering some exceptional items and THIS celebrate...there will be NO shipping costs on the beach themed items. This is a fantastic offer! Not only will you save on gas, but you will save shipping as well! This is truly the very best way to I know you will not want to miss this! I can't wait til Friday to see you...and to shop with you. See you then!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I am lucky this year to live on the beach even though winter stinks!!

Scented Pinecone Sachets

Scented Pinecone Sachets