In honor of our Christmas in July Shop Hop at Make Mine Pink (there is a link for this in the side bar to your right), I have decided to celebrate with a drawing. Anyone who is not currently on my email list is invited to sign up in order to be entered for a drawing for a special surprise. Please sign up in the box to your right or you may also sign up on my homepage at TheOddSparrow.com . Anyone who joins during the month of July is eligible, so if you already signed up, you are already in the drawing. A winner will be chosen at random on July 31.
For those who are already on the email list, please be assured that you will have a fantastic opportunity to be entered in your own drawing. Just be sure to leave a comment on my blog in order to be entered for the random drawing. Let me hear about what Christmas means to you and I will put your name into a "hat" of sorts for the second prize...which, again, will go unnamed as we girls like surprises. Comments must be left during the week of July 21-27. A winner will be chosen at random and announced next Monday, July 28.
Ok...got it? Two drawings: Email list and Blog. Two prizes...two chances to win...more if you post more comments on my blog! So, how's that for a celebration?
believe me....i'll take Christmas anywhere i can get it---and it's sooooo hot and dry right now here in Mo.-- whoo hoo Christmas is very welcome!!!!!!!-happy, happy holidays.
What fun this is going to be.
Christmas to me means "family", lots of good food and laughter. Oh yea, and cold weather! Woohoo
Wow, thanks for organizing a special drawing for a surprise! I'm looking to see what surprise it is!
Pei Li
I love that Santa's rosey cheeks. He looks so happy, just like a Santa should.
Christmas to me is family, lights, quite evenings, decorating the tree, I love everything about it except the crowded stores. I do all my shopping early so I can relax and enjoy the holiday without all the hustle and bustle :)
Hugs, xoxoxo
Happy Christmas in July, Carolyn!!
I love Christmas anytime of year...it makes me feel joyful! Love having family around and if I could would keep the tree and all decorations up year round...they mean happiness and memories to me!
Thanks for the fun drawing!
Grandma G's
Hi Carolyn,, I love when people have blog contest. yoohoo!!! I signed the mailing list. Now my favorite Christmas' were when my girls were little and my Mom and Dad lived in a small town in the mountains of Arizona. We always spent Christmas up there with the whole family.Sometimes it snowed. This is a very big deal if you live in the desert. LOL Thanks for the memories..luv, gail
Love the twinkling eyes on your vintage Santa. Christmas, to me, means family, friends, the smell of balsam, spices, and wood fires. Making cookies with my grandchildren, making presents, passing on family traditions and stories.
Ho ho ho....happy Christmas in July !
Hope your week is fantastic...
Ho Ho Ho to you too. I miss real Christmas trees that you go cut down at a tree farm in the mountains. You pick them out this time of the year and they mark it and you go back Christmas and cut it yourself.
Christmas means it is December! :-)
Ooh! Another drawing to enter! I love drawings!
Merry Christmas in July!
Pink hugs, Karen
What a nice giveaway! Can't wait to see what your giving away.... Christmas to me is love and lots of chaos, he he!!! It is the kids running around crazy, and lots of goodies coming out of the oven!
Hi Carolyn! I love the wonderment of the Christmas season. Just like 'The Polar Express'...just fabulous!!!!
The Polka Dot Rose
Hi Carolyn!
You're so sweet to have a giveaway. That Santa looks adorable. Christmas is such a fun time. I love it! Have a great week!
Janet's Creative Pillows
Okay Carolyn,
You asked for it, lol. It means the birth of my Saviour and a new life for me. I hope this doesn't offend any of my Jewish sisters, but my Saviour is Jewish, and that means I am Jewish, too. Anything my Saviour is I try to be. My Pastor was raised in the Jewish faith, and everything He was taught as a young man and child enhances my Christianity. I bet you didn't know I could be serious.......lol....but there it is, a subject for my serious side.
Oh, I never turn down presents either.......I'm back....lol
Theresa @ Cottage Violets
How fun Carolyn. Christmas to me means hours baking in the kitchen while listening to Christmas music, and the smell of cookies filling the house. My Grandma started the "crazy" baking tradition and passed it on down. Now my kids are getting in on it. We spend literally 6hrs. or more a day for about 2 weeks baking and packing up gift trays. I love it! It wouldn't be Christmas without tons of yummies!
Christmas is the freshness of the evening air, a moonlit walk through the neighborhood arm in arm with my DH, the ground covered with fresh snow that sparkles like diamonds, Christmas is Faith, Love, Family, and Friendship.
The meaning of Christmas to me...Shopping for the perfect gifts, staying up till midnight ( on my birthday) Christmas Eve wrapping the rest of the gifts, getting up really early on Christmas because the kids are so excited, being with my family, eating yummy fattening food, and enjoying giving to ones in need. That is just about what Christmas means to me.
Pink Hugs,
Hey there my dw friend. Well let's see... Christmas means to me having one day off from work to enjoy fabulous food, wonderful friends, fuzzy bunnies and time with my honey bunny. It's a time to remember everyone that is special to me. Especially those I can call dw's.
I love christmas from 9 kids growing up was my fav. time of the year always was fun to see what mom & dad got us that year. hugs
and merry christmas in july.
hugs ginger
Christmas is my all time favorite holiday. I love to decorate, and I love having all my family here. We stay up way late playing games...it's the best!
Forget Me Not Dreams
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